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21st c. in library

Twenty-first century is a time of advance technology which surrounds every person regardless where the man or woman reside. Today, the text will concentrate on making a use of technology in the library. There will be offered technical solutions which are applied in the libraries to help the readers find the publications faster and test the accessibility of the present publication.


Autor: jemartin03
Many libraries in the United States and in the Great Britain look for the new staff members who will help them to arrange the books and introduce many books to the pc tools.

What are the main duties of the person who will work in the library in the technical Services sector?• Obtaining new items for the library – the library which would like to own continuously new users have to do anything in their power to buy the interesting contents. (Here) The individual who desires to apply for the duty must know the expectations of the users and be also a reader of the literature to understand the personality of the reader better and buy only the content which will be required for the clients of the library.• List of the obtained data – if the materials are obtained, it is time to catalogue them. It must be done very precisely to be easy find by the library users. The task must be completed in the library pcs as well as in the online catalogue.


Autor: bfishadow
• Preservation of the library supplies – it is different crucial task for the new staff. In the library here are lots of old literature which need to be stored. Many of them want to posses new extra cover.
• Archive the products – here are progressively materials which require to be kept on the internet. Here are lots users who make use of the contents just online so the digitalization is needed in most of cases.

The task in the library is rather quiet. It does not demand plenty of time and commitment. What is more, here are not many irritating clients and the person will not have to work long hours. It is a proposal for the individual who is rather timid, enjoy to work separately and enjoy reading books.

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