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Entering the Russian market: which factors are crucial before that step is taken?

Russia is an important place on the economic map of the world. That is the reason why a lot of lands decide to export some of their products there. At the beginning, they have to be aware of the fact that in Russian Federation other standards are in operation.


Autor: Upupa4me
The GOST-R derives from the regulations which were announced decades ago in the Soviet Union. After deciding about introducing the particular thing into that market, the first issue ought to be the research, if that thing complies with the compulsory certification process. It pertains to the therapeutic, electronic and other goods that have something in common with people’s security. It is the biggest part of all the goods that are available in the area of Russia. GOST certification can be obtained for mass manufacturing or just a series of a given product. Another version of that standard is not obligatory, but might be useful in case the safety criteria are ambiguous or not given. To achieve it, the appropriate documentation ought to be collected and delivered to the authorized institution. Many companies decide to go through the certification procedures to expand to eastern lands. They know that it is really profitable. Although the process is connected with some paperwork, it is worth trying – chiefly that there exist the people who can help with all the GOST certification process. The enterprise does not need to perform it completely on its own.

To start distributing products in Russia, some formal procedures need to be accomplished. Thanks to that, the merchandise can be expanded to one more country – the big land. It can increase the overall profit in a remarkable way.

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