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Trade – why this area is thought to be an example of significant influence of quick speed of developments of technology

More and more people nowadays tend to observe that despite the fact that the world improves too quickly, in fact there are a lot of benefits connected with similar tendency. It is implied by the fact that owing to this kind changes we may benefit from wide range of inventions that might make doing various tasks substantially simpler.

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Autor: yoggy0

An attractive example is connected with the field of trade. Compared inter alia with the situation one century ago we can quickly find out that inter alia the infrastructure has improved to such high level that delivery sector has never been so attractive to end-users. Let’s have a close view the attitude of people in terms of online shopping inter alia ten years ago and the situation now.

First of all we are able to find out that more and more people make use of similar option. It is proved by the fact that thanks to it we may make shopping in even less than one minute and have everything provided exactly to our house. What is more, due to increasing competition in similar area the costs of this kind service have been considerably reduced, which makes online shopping certainly not less attractive than visiting the store on our own.

The trade has also changed a lot also on the macroeconomic scale. We might discover it analyzing the trends concerning amount of products transferred between miscellaneous countries. It is related to the fact that almost every topic of transport has improved considerably and each of it is used for diverse purposes. For instance shipments are used in case products need to be transferred in huge amount to the other region of the planet. On the other hand, planes are used when there is a time pressure and not that huge amount needs to be transferred.

To conclude, situation in trade proves that the influence of the technology improvement is pretty considerable. As a result, even though we cannot predict it with full confidence, we should be aware of the fact that in the future even more complicated alternatives might be created.

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