IT protection is very important in the today’s world. Today we have computer not just for professional matters, however as well for fun, many of us use it all day. Computers, mobiles, Smartwaches all of these amazing thingsw are related with the Internet and very complicated , besides they are full of data. Privacy in the Web is very significant, however it is also very valuable in the other way. The information about our preferences is very significant for large corporations who like to know what we want to or like to purchase.
Other companies are created to secure data like IT outsourcing companies (here), which managed databases and managed services. IT outsourcing companies are placed in business parks or on large spaces because their equipment take a lot of place. These locations are highly protected and in the very same way our computers need to be protected. It is a good thing to update our equipment, do the scan of the disk and fallow the instructions (from the well-known source), however first of all we don’t have to put so many information about us in the Web.
Naturally there are some firms which have to have and storage our data such as the public offices or mobile corporations (mostly that sort of businesses are the best purchaser of the IT outsourcing companies and they like to managed services) – lern more. However our photo, putted in social networks, give crucial informations about how much we earn or where we are in particular time, therefore some burglar can know when and where he or she can attack our house. A different matter are the photos of our kids, posted by us in a giant number.
There are two main issues and dangers, the first one is clear: these pictures can be used by mentally sick people who may be dangerous for us and our offsprings. Secondly photographs which we shared on our Internet space may have nasty influence on them in the next years. In general ww neeed to secure ourselves, our children and the users with whom we work in a corporation. Computer safety is very significant in today’s society, we need to be aware of possible dangerous situations in the Global Web and, what is much more important, try to prepare our kids for these problems and educate them.
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